admission charge


形容词: admissive |


admittance | access | entrance | entrance fee | confession | fee | declaration | charge | disclosure | profession | divulgence | recognition | acknowledgment | right of entry | permission | entry fee | price | ticket price | entree | allowance | admitting | concession | accedence | granting | consent | assent | approval | acquiescence | concurrence | agreement | utterance | exposure | welcome | entry | revelation | expression | acceptance | admission | cost | pass | receipts | bill | ticket | reception | introduction | minimum | inclusion | greeting | tariff | credentials | embracement | incorporation | gate | cover charge | appointment | assignment | nomination | initiation | membership | installation | designation | commissioning | passport | license | inauguration | induction | investiture | on | making | admission fee | letting | admission price | up | known | accession | price of admission | admission charge | owning | cover |


prohibition |